Hemp oil is definitely not the same product as cannabis oil, there is no denying that they are made from the same plant but from different parts of the plant. Both the products contain completely different biochemical molecules and has different effects on the body.
Well, with that clarification given, it can be safely said that, hemp oil is not an illegal “drug” and it certainly does not have any kind of mind-altering properties like cannabis oil or hash oil.
Hemp oil is basically a nutritional oil which is made of hemp seeds. Hemp seeds are the most versatile and nutritious seeds as they offer remarkable health benefits when consumed. While on the other hand, Cannabis oil is made of a specific part of the “Cannabis Sativa” plant that contains higher concentration of particular molecules which caters to trigger healthy responses in the human body.
For instance, cannabis oil can be classified in two products – CBD oil and THC oil. CBD oil is basically a legal health supplement that would provide all the health benefits of consuming cannabis in a concentrated form by only extracting the cannabinoids responsible for those particular biological effects and not the mind-altering effects. These days you can easily buy Cannabis oil in India that is high in CBD. But the THC oil, has the highest concentration of THC, that offers the potent “high” for its users without focusing on the health-inducing cannabinoids.
Is it made of same plant?
It has already been stated that hemp oil and cannabis oil are made from the same plant, which is Cannabis Sativa also called the hemp. Well, this particular plant has various components to it – which has its unique biochemical structure, that has different effect on the human body.
It is thus important to understand that even though they are products of the same plant, they are completely different and fall under different laws altogether. The plant itself is not illegal but various parts of it can be used to produce illegal products such as THC cannabis oil, hash oil and other products that has higher concentration of THC.
In general, buy hemp seed oil online that is considered to be a food product that can be consumed with salads, smoothies and many more things. It consults its most of the benefits by consuming raw hemp seeds, that is considered to be a true superfood as it is rich in nutrition.
While CBD oil that is one of the “cannabis oils” is a legal product that has been proven to have positive effects on individuals who are suffering from anxiety, depression, OCD, cancer, MS and many other health disorders.
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