CBD or Cannabidoil is a natural chemical that is found in cannabi plant. CBD is one of the 85 different cannabinoids that are found in cannabi plant. It has multiple benefits which are used to alleviate epileptic seizures (a condition where a person behaves abnormally due to excessive neuronal activity in the brain, the outward effect can vary from uncontrolled jerking movement to a subtle as a momentary loss of awareness.), decreases anxiety, stress and calm various types of pains as well. Medical Cannabis on the other hand reduces nausea and vomiting during chemotherapy, it also improves apatite in people suffering from HIV/AIDS and is helpful in reducing chronic pain and muscle spasms. Let us look at how to choose CBD and Medical cannabis online in India-: The use of medical cannabis has been banned in some of the countries due to their extreme effects on our bodies. CBD on the other hand has no or minimum side effects. A person who is suffering from HIV/AIDS must use the treat...